Industrial Pump and Blower


Booster Pump Sistem sebuah paket sistem pompa centrifugal yang diaplikasikan untuk mensuplai AIR BERSIH di GEDUNG BERTINGKAT, GEDUNG PERKANTORAN, APARTEMENT, MANUFACTURE, INDUSTRI. Sistem Pompa Booster ini dilengkapi 2 unit pompa up 5 unit dengan kelengkapan aksesoris control panel with variable speed PID controller, pressure gauge, valves, pipe, water tank and base. sehingga transfer air dapat mencapai lokasi yang TINGGI hingga mencapai Pressure Head 30 bar dan Kapasitas 1000m3/jam.
Features :

  • Featuring of variable speed control
  • Constant estimated terminal pressure control
  • Stable water supply
  • Compact layout
  • Extend the life of pump
  • Simple and compact inner control panel
Application :
  • Domestic : High-rise buildings, Condominiums, Apartments etc.
  • Commercial : Office buildings, Hotel, Shopping centres etc.
  • Industrial : High-rise factory, Manufacturing & processing industries applications etc.
  • Social service : School, Hospitals etc.